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What is Kharus About?

Kharus is a fantasy story that takes place in the world of Ora. In this world, there are magical tattoo-like brandings called 'Marks'. These Marks are derived from the sap of ancient Kharus trees and grant the bearer with special abilities.The abilities one recieves from the Mark vary with factors such as genetics and personality.
While no Mark is the same, many people may possess the same powers, I.E: Fire Manipulation, Shapeshifting, etc. Very rarely, Marks will change over time and transform in both appearance and ability. About 35% of people who receive a Mark do not gain any abilities at all, these people are called 'Dulls'.
The main events of the story are centered around the island Azdielle, which is the homeland of the Kharus trees and the origin of the eponymously named Kharus Blight. Kharus are malformed creatures wrought from the greed of homonids. The Kharus are born from despotic greed, those who graft others' Marks onto themselves to gain additional power, the volatile nature of their magic transforming them into mindless monstrosities with no will other than to destroy and harm all that's around them.